Lonely Lettuce

By Eli Thibodeau

This blog post will be dedicated to the seed starting that we began last week in class. Last week we got introduced with some seeds and we brought materials into class to help us learn how to start planting seeds. We were required a small Tupperware container and Dr. Perks brought in some potting soil and seeds for us to get started. First off Dr. Perks explained that the seeds are different for everyone, in size, planting style, how much to water each, and sprouting times. Now I had seen seeds planted directly into the ground before but I had never planted my own, or attempted to start seeds off indoors. When the time came around to choose our seeds my eyes were glued to the lettuce, and next thing I knew a packet was in my hand. What I found interesting about my packet was the instructions for planting these delicate seeds. There were the usual planting tips, plant at this depth and allow sunlight four to eight hours, but also it mentioned planting one seed in the “cell”, hoping to produce a head of lettuce, or plant multiple seeds in the cell to reap the rewards of a bed of lettuce.

I started my two planting styles of lettuce, (Heads and Beds) in our common room.

I gave it a go, I planted my seeds at about 1/4 of an inch down and threw a single seed in each Tupperware container on the left, the heads of lettuce. In the right container I dropped three little seeds into each cell as the package instructed me. The package said that around a week would go by and I should see sprouts. I was astonished when it was about the fifth day and I noticed a single sprout from my heads of lettuce, but it was only a single one. To my even greater astonishment I opened the second container to three of the cells having a couple sprouts up each.

Lonely head of lettuce sprout.
Almost each cell has sprouted up with multiple reaching for the sky!

I was astonished with how quickly and well my sprouts started to be doing so I also tried to incorporate another method Dr. Perks mentioned besides watering them daily, but not too much, as well as once the sprouts emerge either blow on them or wave your hand to give them a little workout and prepare them for the outdoors.