
Bouquet of yellow tulips

Overview: Tulips are beautiful spring flowers that bloom in many different colors.  For many, tulips signal the end of winter and the changing to spring.  (Source: How to Plant Tulip Bulbs | Martha Stewart)

Seed Starting: Tulips are actually not started from seeds; instead, they are started from bulbs.  It is best to purchase dry bulbs.  To plant, the bulbs should be covered with around eight inches of soil, about 5 inches apart (Source: Growing Tulips | The Old Farmer’s Almanac).  Water the tulip bulbs right after planting so that they can start growing.  Be careful, as tulips can be sensitive to wet soil, so they need good drainage.  Planting the bulbs in the fall will allow for them to bloom a couple of months later in the spring. (Source: How to Plant Tulip Bulbs | Martha Stewart)

Growing Advice: When it comes to watering your bulbs, you really don’t need to that much.  Weekly rain will be just fine for the bulbs, and they do not need extra water unless you are in a drought.  Some pests that will come for tulips are deer, voles, and mice, so make sure your tulips are protected from them! (Source: Growing Tulips | The Old Farmer’s Almanac)

Harvesting: Tulips can be harvested before they’re fully in bloom and only have a small amount of color on their outer petals.  The stems can just be cut and put into water with flower food.  Fresh tulips can usually last from 5 days to a week while still looking great! (Source: How to Grow Tulips – Floret Flowers)

Arrangements: Tulips are very simple to arrange!  One of the best ways is by just adding tulips to a clear glass jar with cold water in it.  The simplicity of the vase helps put the focus onto the tulips.  Depending on the size of the jar, you might need more or less tulips; but, 8-10 stems is a good number for a medium sized vase.  Just remember to refresh the water after a couple of days!

Written By: Kristen Tracy

White tulips displayed in a clear glass vase during a party