Love and Carrots

Written By: Joseph Jorgenson

Love and Carrots is an organization located in Washington D.C that provides, installs, and teaches people how to tend to Gardens. It is a non-profit organization that helps less fortunate communities in many ways. One of them is growing their own produce in a healthy and natural way so that people don’t have to buy it from a grocery store. Another way “Love and Carrots” helps to better the community is it aims to keep kids off the streets and gives them a hands on learning experience that will teach them valuable skills to better themselves and their community.

Photo From: “Love and Carrots website”

Programs like “Love and Carrots” are so crucial for spreading knowledge of gardening while also helping less fortunate youth population. These programs are so crucial to inner-city neighborhoods because of the lack of “green space” in cities as well as the stereotype of inner-city behavior of these kids. It is so important to find these kids meaningful and healthy activities to participate in. By giving valuable lessons on how to tend to these gardens, it spreads loves and distracts inner-city kids from the troubling world around them.

From “Love and Carrots” website

Non-profit urban gardening companies are vital to the development of healthy foods as well as healthy behaviors in the community. If everyone had a garden to tend to it would help the community in varies ways. “Love and Carrots” is just one of many companies looking to better the community and the future.

Above is the website for “Love and Carrots”. Give it a look.